My Story

Problem is the mother of innovation! In my life, problems have been mother of my yearning to know the truth.

Born in a small town of Uttar Pradesh – Farrukhabad, and raised in another town Etawah, I have always found myself a confused person. Not because I couldn’t understand the things but because there was a constant conflict between what I see in the world and what my inner self asks me to do.

World around me expects me to study and just get married, which my inner self couldn’t accept. People expected me not to chase my dreams and follow the herd but my inner self couldn’t agree. Society expected me to get married to anyone available based on ‘good job’ and ‘family” but my inner self never allowed, yearning for soul-soul connection. And much more…

These conflicts have left me in confusion up to the point that I started thinking that I had some psychological problem as i couldn’t fit in the set standards of society. It was much later that I realized that this misfit was because I am born to fly and society expects me to crawl because I am living in a female body!

Fortunately, I have always listened to my true self and was able to follow the difficult path leading me towards a meaningful and fulfilled life.


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Someone told me, Ïf you change, whole world will change.” I have not believed the statement that time but now I am living the statement.
Life has taught me invaluable lessons which has forced me to write my book “Push Start to Auto Start – Drive your Life with Ease.”

Life Clarity Coach

Helping people to life their life with ease! With the mission of helping one million people to bring clarity in their life, my endeavor is to reach each and every person who needs this information.


Exploring self by living various characters while acting. Character artist with an experience of plays and short films. Briefly acted in Telugu movie ‘Goodachari’.